

How to become more Productive? 

Total views 1,195 , and 3 views today

Reading Time: 5 minutes Total views 1,195 , and 3 views today What is Productivity?  A simple definition of productivity can be defined as how much work you do during the day and what is the efficiency of your work. Productivity doesn’t mean you have to be engaged for the whole day in something, instead, it means to complete a task or multiple …

How to become more Productive?  Read More »

New Year Resolution

What is a new year resolution? How to prepare a perfect new year’s resolution?

Total views 821 

Reading Time: 5 minutes Total views 821  It is human tendency to keep improving and learning new skills to prove Himself / Herself better than others. So, we keep learning and learning and learning… isn’t it? Wait!!!. but it doesn’t mean that we only learn bookish theory or the same kind of classroom stuff instead, it is all about learning …

What is a new year resolution? How to prepare a perfect new year’s resolution? Read More »